Druck und Medien Awards, Jurymitglied Dirk Leisering, Displaymanufaktur Hamburg

Print & Media Awards 2018 -My personal review as jury member

This year I was jury member at the Druck & Medien Awards for the 6th time together with about 25 great and competent colleagues from the industry.

The awards are always preceded by two long days in summer when the pre-selection is made.
Here we are divided into groups and assigned to the corresponding categories.

Regardless, the event team of the Druck & Medien Awards is busy for a whole year to prepare this event for the German printer.
A big compliment at this point for the diligent and competent event team.

The Jurymember works without pay for this event.

Of courseI have recently stopped working for the “Display Printer and Packaging Printers of the Year” categories.

Every year it is always a highlight to closely follow innovations and changes in the industry. And in the end, it’s always a crucial point that puts the companies first on the podium.
The quality and attention to detail.

And here I have to say that it makes me proud of what our industry does. And it is even better to be able to make a major contribution to this with our daily work in the Display Manufaktur Hamburg.

Highlights in our industry are not the dumping prices or the mass of printed objects being sold online. All this has its market.
But in the long term, hardly anyone will remember these standard products.

But what is confirmed again and again in discussions with colleagues or customers is the demand for high-quality print solutions that require a bit more effort and know-how than the simple flyer.
And these special products have also convinced at the Awards again.
Products that we are allowed to offer and produce every day in the DMH.
It`s especially!

The industry has changed. The visitors and winners of the awards have become younger.
More women are coming to the event.
Digitization has long been used in the production process and is a great and additional opportunity for all entrepreneurs.
I also feel that there is more talk again. That’s a good signal.

For the future, I personally wish more new faces at the event.
This requires courage and time for submission. These new companies are important to ensure fair competition and make the event as credible.
I hope the organizers will simplify the submission process.

The Displaymanufaktur would almost certainly have had a very good chance of landing in one of the top spots with great submissions.

But that would mean that I would have to give up my jury activity and the associated tradition.

Thus it remains with a silent assessment of our internal work and the knowledge that we could have done just as well or maybe even better …
You as a customer are our most important jury and your enjoyment of a good and high-quality end result is our first prize!

Best regards

Dirk Leisering